Why price of Top city is high and will go higher also

You shouldn’t choose a property based solely on your preferences. You need to pick a city and try to buy flat at 15-40 minute distance from the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) as your budget allows. In big metro cities, most areas and infrastructure have already been developed, and expanding big cities is easier than fully developing small cities. That’s why it’s challenging to bring SEZs, builders, and big companies to small cities because they lack the systems present in big cities. Replicating the infrastructure of a big city in a small city can take 30-40 years, but expanding a big city takes only 5-6 years due to existing infrastructure, policy framework, transportation, and systems. In the future, people will prefer not to move to smaller towns since high-paying jobs, good healthcare facilities, and quality education are predominantly available in big cities. Per capita income is higher in metro cities, and people’s spending is also high there. You need to choose a metro city where the per capita income is the highest. If your budget is low, you should consider buying properties in distant locations in big cities because in a few years, you won’t be able to buy properties due to inflation. In the future, big city properties will outprice small city properties by a large margin because major high-paying jobs will be in big cities, and the number of jobs will also be higher in big cities. You can sell property in a big city and buy in a small city anytime, but selling property in a small city to buy in a big city is challenging.

Many people believe that just buy land anywhere in india and it will increase because land is limited but truth is that the availability of land in India is not the main factor determining the price of lands. The value of land is primarily influenced by the level of development and growth happening in a particular micro-market. The statement that India has 20% of the world’s population but only 2% of the world’s land is not a direct indicator of property value appreciation. It requires higher-order thinking to understand that property values depend on the pace of growth and development in a specific city or area.

For example, Australia has vast amount of land and has smaller population compared to India, but property prices in major cities like Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, and Perth are much higher. This is because people prefer to live in these major cities and don’t want to go outside city limits. Outside of these cities, demand is lower and land prices may not experience significant appreciation.

It’s essential to consider the growth and development prospects of a city while buying property in any city. Cities with faster development, job creation, and overall growth tend to attract more people and experience higher property price appreciation. On the other hand, smaller cities or towns that have already experienced substantial growth but lack further development prospects may see slower appreciation in property values.

In conclusion, big cities offer better returns on property investments due to higher demand, faster growth, limited land availability, and better connectivity. However, it is crucial to analyze specific micro-markets and consider the pace of development and growth to make informed decisions about property investments.

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