Why Understanding All Aspects Of Real Estate Is Important 

Why Understanding All Aspects Of Real Estate Is Important

Real estate is the most important aspect of our life in terms of wealth, happiness and relationship. Real estate is highest ticket size purchase in our lives. Our parents try their best to provide us best education and we gives our best to get education in top college and get decent job. After getting job we are going to get married and have children. After that we use to though about purchasing house. Many people delayed decision to buy house due to which they are not able to buy a house forever due to high inflation and lack of savings.  

You may have experienced that many people in your social circle who didn’t perform well academically and doing average kind of low paying jobs in their hometowns. However, they or their parents had invested in real estate at the right time without delay, which makes them better off in terms of holding assets, getting peace of mind, and monthly cash flows. Even doing low paying jobs their lifestyle and happiness quotient is better than yours. On the other hand, despite your excellent academic performance and landing a high-paying job in a multinational company, you struggle to save money, and every month something happens that prevents your savings from growing. You used to go on trips frequently for show off in social media, buy a car as soon as you get a job just to maintain your status, party every weekend, pay excessive rent, use your small savings in stock market trading to get rich soon and but you suffers losses in trading and stocks that you are holding for long term are not performing well and even you are not able to save your capital after 4-5 years. Due to this, even by the age of 35, you don’t have a home. It feels like those who performed academically worse than you are doing better in terms of net worth and monthly cash flow and having peace of mind. Sometimes, you also come across friends those parents bought properties 20 years ago, and the prices of the properties have increased so much that even with an IIT or IIM degree, you can’t match their level of assets. But don’t lose hope, still you have a chance in life to match their levels of assets after 15-20 years and pass on assets to the next generation, so that if your children don’t perform very well in their careers, you can support them and improve their lifestyle through the investments you have made. Investing in real estate done in 20s or 30s of your age give rewards of your investment when you will cross 45 years of age when you have responsibilities of paying college fee and marriage expenses and after that for securing your old age and ensure a safe future for the next generation. Real estate investments don’t bring short-term gains but provide slow but steady and permanent income and capital appreciation. You can overcome your fears like how you will manage your children education, career, marriage and your retirement .

I am quoting Goddess laxmi ji ki arti here

“दुर्गा रुप निरंजनी, सुख सम्पत्ति दाता।,जो कोई तुमको ध्यावत, ऋद्धि-सिद्धि धन पाता॥
जिस घर में तुम रहतीं, सब सद्गुण आता।,सब सम्भव हो जाता, मन नहीं घबराता॥“

Which means “Whoever meditates upon you, receives prosperity, happiness and success. In the home where you reside, all virtues manifest. All possibilities become attainable, and the mind remains fearless.” It means that whoever have assets and cashflows are happy, prosper and fearleass.

People used to spend a lot of time researching before buying a ₹10,000 mobile phone, but when it comes to real estate, they often make decisions based on others’ opinions without much thought. You have to do proper due diligence before investing in real estate. In Real estate many people wants to ruin your hard earned money so you have to be careful and gain knowledge about real estate before investing or contact any expert before investing. Consulting a expert may cost you some money but sometimes it is beneficial to take advice as it is the big decision of your life or you have to do your own research but do atleast some home work before buying any property.

Unfortunately, there aren’t many good books available in the market that provides knowledge about real estate. The few books that are available are either meant for becoming a real estate broker, focusing on sales and marketing techniques, or autobiographies where authors talk about their own achievements and how they became billionaires. However, the knowledge in those books is often not implementable for a normal middle class people.

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